What are unknowable psychological facts?
1. Whenever a person speaks for more than 1 hour, he loses his senses and inadvertently says some things which he should not speak.
2. According to psychology, if you have money, then only people will respect you in reality, no matter how much knowledge you have, but your money seems to matter.
3. The person who controls his sex drive and his desire to eat takes control of every aspect of his life.
4. For a person, his family is most important, if you unknowingly make any person do any work which is harmful for his family, then he will never do it.
5. A person can do gym for a long time only if he has friends in the gym.
6. A person can stay in such a place where he is respected and called by his name.
7. The most beautiful word in the world for any human being is his name.
8. A person's understanding of how to dress matters the most when he gives his job interview. In the interview, the way he wears clothes matters more than his knowledge.
9. According to psychology, a person would like to be with such a person who is good in appearance.
10. A person's words are only 20% important and his body language is 60% of his
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