. How can remove Whole coconut From Coconut पूरा नारियल kaise निकाल सकते हैं। - Sab Achha

How can remove Whole coconut From Coconut पूरा नारियल kaise निकाल सकते हैं।

1. Take out as much saffron (upper bark) of coconut as you want so that the coconut. be easy to remove.

2. Keep the coconut in the freezer for 5 to 6 hours so that it is necessary for it to come out well.

3 After removing the coconut from the freezer, beat it little by little with a hammer from everywhere.

4 You will feel that the coconut will start cracking a little bit and then break it slowly according to your liking. Keep in mind, move slowly and do not bet at all.

You can remove the whole coconut this way.

god bless you lots of love and blessings

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