What was Ravana afraid of and why?
No matter how brave a sinner is, he is a coward from within. They are afraid of not knowing when they will be punished for their sins or misdeeds.
The same is true of Ravana. Ravana knew that he could not face Lord Shri Ram in battle. So he did not dare to attack or kidnap Sita ji in the presence of Shri Ram.
Ravana was afraid of Shri Ram.
Ravana was scared of the consequences of his sins committed in the past, by the curse of Nal Kubera… according to which if he tried to rape a woman, her head would be cut into a hundred pieces… so do wrong with Sita. could. Don't even try.
Ravana was afraid of Dharma, from the fruits of his actions, of Shri Ram, of Truth.
Thank you
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