Why has no one been able to go to Kailash till date?
A Russian mountaineer (name unknown) said that when I reached very close to Mount Kailash, my heart beat increased.
I am right in front of a mountain that no one has climbed till today. But I suddenly felt weak and thought that I should not stay here. Must leave from here. Then as soon as I got down my mind became lighter.
It is also believed about climbing Mount Kailash that it is impossible for a living person to climb it. Only those who have not committed any sin can go after death.
There is also a belief that a person who starts climbing Mount Kailash gets distracted after a short climb. The way gets lost.
According to the newspaper, in 2001, China allowed a team from Spain. Since then there has been a ban on climbing Mount Kailash.
India and other countries also believe that it is a holy place so climbing Mount Kailas is not allowed.
It has been reported through newspapers and news channels that years ago a Buddhist monk managed to reach the top of Mount Kailas from the foothills and was the first to return alive. It was a mysterious event.
Jai Kailasapati
Har Har Mahadev
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