. How to write blog Post - Guide for beginners - Sab Achha

How to write blog Post - Guide for beginners

blog post me for a complete beginner's guide

Hello friends, you must have created a blog so far, if you haven't, then you can read our post on how to create this blog - read complete guide in Hindi.

Often people make blogs, and also write good posts in it, but they do not get visitors. Because they do not know how to write posts. Let me tell you, I have been associated with the blog for 5 years and what I have seen, what I understand, I am sharing it with you.

blog post

How to post in blog?

First of all, keep the design (look) of your blog good. Your template should be SEO friendly and mobile friendly (you will find the ESA template by searching in google), and how to upload that template in your blogger's blog.

1) For your post, a good title like: - 
๐Ÿ‘‰Write the title of your blog in such a way that the people coming to your blog can easily understand what is in the post. What I mean is that just like the headline of the newspaper is from them.

2) Character of the title of the blog: - 
๐Ÿ‘‰Keep the character of the title of the blog between 35-70. Because through this, your post will come soon in Google's search result.

Earlier, we had written this post a few days ago, how to like in stylish and colorful font in Facebook. The title of this post is 45 characters, you can gin (count) if you want.

3) Full description of the content of your post
๐Ÿ‘‰Whatever post you want to write, take complete information about it from the internet, I mean if your post is related to some trick or education, then you take it knowing from the internet.

Ex: - If you want to write this post how to create Facebook account? If you are writing a tech post or social post, then you will get complete information from YouTube and webpage.

4. The language of your blog
๐Ÿ‘‰If you want to earn money through your blog, then you, in the language in which I want to write the post, know whether it supports advertising or not.

5. Keywords of the blog title
๐Ÿ‘‰You should keep in mind that in the title of your blog, I use the main word only once, I socialize by giving an example.
Ex: - If your post is that how to change the color of the folder in the computer. You cannot write like How to Change Folder Color in Computer (Computer Tricks), or How to Change Folder Color in Computer - Computer Tricks in Hindi. Because the word computer is appearing here twice, which is against Google's search result policy.

6. Nice looking photo
๐Ÿ‘‰Blog please put me a good photo. If you are telling naked about any trick, then add 2-3 more photos of it so that people (visitors) can easily understand. But remember the photo should not be copyrighted, and you can create your own image if possible.

7. Blog Paragraph
๐Ÿ‘‰Whatever you write in your blog, keep large paragraphs less, and keep more short paragraphs. Because it also makes your post look very good, and the people (visitors) of your blog also like it.

8. Title Size
๐Ÿ‘‰The size of the heading and subheading of your blog is big, like what the visitor is going to know to see easily. And keep your headings in sequence, that means keep the first heading bigger, then smaller, then smaller, either you keep all the headings of the same size as in our post.

9. Words of the Blog Post
๐Ÿ‘‰Write your blog post work from 300-400 words, and try it as much as possible. But the post should be quality, that means you have to write more information in it.

10. First and Last Paragraph
๐Ÿ‘‰Write the title name of the post in the first and last 100 words of your post, I mean that you can see this post of ours by writing me bare me in short of your blog post.

11. No Adult Content
๐Ÿ‘‰If you want to earn money from your blog and that too through Google Adsense, do not put adult content in your blog. Q's Google Adsense policy is against adult content.

12. Don't teach any hacking tricks
๐Ÿ‘‰If you want to earn money from your blog and that too through Google Adsense, do not teach hacking in your blog kyu ki Google Adsence policy is against hacking.

13. How Blog Posts Are Liked
๐Ÿ‘‰When you like the post, your friends are sitting in front of you like this and you are telling your post to him. Because by doing this, the length of your post will also increase and you will also be able to write with ease.

You must know that some people have been approved by Google Adsense and they write hacking tricks, let me tell you that it is only for a few days, if someone reports then his account will also be closed in a few days. .

Friends, let me tell you that in this post I have used SEO (Search Engine Optimization), which you will not know if you are our senior (Hindi Me Help, Support Me India, Sahoo4U, Indiho etc.) So, if these posts would have been posts, then they would go to the society from the seat.

For friends, these are the lies of you blogger, how our blog post tips, if you follow the tips in me, then I am sure that you will also write a good post.

If you like this post then do share it with your friends. If you have any problem on this topic, then want to ask something, tell me by commenting.

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