What is the difference between love, infatuation and madness?
Your question is good. In Mahabharata, Lord Krishna explains love and attachment very well. Love is from the heart to get someone or something, while infatuation is from attraction, while (madness??????)
Infatuation means an attraction that we cannot escape, an attraction that we can control.
We are attracted to compulsions, and we risk everything to achieve something. The object of attraction may be a person, power, property, or object, or an addiction such as alcohol or gambling.
Just as iron cannot be separated from a magnet, we cannot be separated from our infatuation and we believe that infatuation is a deeper form of our love, is this not true?
Don't you understand love and infatuation? But why do thinkers and sages preach to get rid of illusions?
What is the difference between infatuation and love?
We always feel infatuation or love in our mind but if we think deeply then we will immediately know that there is a huge difference between love and infatuation.
When there is love, we wish for the happiness of others, when there is attachment we wish for the misery of others.
When we have love for a person, we try to please him, when we are fascinated, we try to find happiness through him.
Love and infatuation towards man...
When we are not in the center of love, only we are in the center of attachment.
love and infatuation with something...
What do we do if we have love for power and position?
If there is love, then we will make ourselves worthy of power and position, but if there is attachment, we will be ready to do any kind of unfair work to get it.
Infatuation with love and wealth...
If we are in love with wealth, we will work hard and if we are infatuated, we will steal.
Love and infatuation with a person...
If we are infatuated with someone, we will do unreasonable things to get it.
Enchanted person harms himself and society, is it so difficult to escape from this attachment?
Simple way to get rid of attachment...
Change attachment to love…..that is…..just to know that our happiness or unhappiness cannot be due to any person or thing.
Happiness and sorrow are your distance business, it is the nature of your soul.
Like when we stop considering someone as the basis of happiness, doesn't our madness go away immediately???
The idea can be understood from a small point, in childhood there was madness to play, when growing up, love is necessary to play but madness is not, that is, it tries to deceive, so there is always a reason for misery, Love gives freedom, that is, it is the basis of everlasting happiness.
So do think about it!!!
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