Why is tilak and rice applied on it on Head?
The importance of Tilak in the present generation is only a religious event. In earlier times, the dignity of a person was known only from Tilak. Now the question will arise in your mind that why tilak is being done? What is the importance? Does it have any importance? Scientific importance? What are the benefits? And more importantly, why are different types of tilak performed? The answer to all these questions are as follows:-
Reason for applying Tilak :-
It is believed that tilak is the best means for man to reach God, so after this worship the head i.e. the abode of intellect is worshipped. For this reason tilak or tilu is done on the head in sacred work.
Why different types of tilak are done:-
Kanku tilak gives self-confidence, Bhasma tilak for cheerfulness, Turmeric-Kanku tilak is a symbol of pride, Sandalwood tilak gives peace of mind, Saffron sandalwood tilak gives intelligence, Turmeric tilak maintains good health, Vermilion tilak gives strength. Kanku Chandan gives confidence.
Why should Tilak be done with different fingers:-
Tilak done with ring finger gives peace of mind. Tilak done with thumb is said to be positive. Tilak done with the middle finger increases longevity. Tilak done with the index finger is considered to bring salvation.
Tilak is done with the ring finger in Dev Kriya, in Pitru Kriya the first finger is used. The middle finger is used in Rishikarya and Tilak is done with the first finger in Tantric work.
Why do we put rice on Tilak?
In any event, one thing is common that grains of rice kanku are applied on it. What is the reason for that. Many pundits throw rice on or around your head. Have you ever wondered why rice is planted as it is done? Several reports state that the reason for eating rice with Chandala is that rice is considered the purest food. You must have seen that rice has a special significance in the smallest worship. Rice is offered to the deity. Rice offering. Pure food is considered to be offered to the deities. Rice is called akshat which means it will never perish. Therefore rice is used for the success of any work. Rice is considered a symbol of prosperity in Hinduism.
Applying rice on the forehead gives positive energy, that is why the rice is thrown around with a kanku on the forehead. Rice is also used as a symbol of positivity.
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