. What is the meaning of "Dewar"? - Sab Achha

What is the meaning of "Dewar"?

What is the literal meaning of "Dewar"?

The literal meaning of Devar is 'the second bridegroom'.

If the husband has died suddenly, or the husband is unable to obey his patriarchy or protect his wife, then his wife can be married to the husband's younger brother.

For example: In one such situation, Chandragupta Vikramaditya was married by the priests to the wife of his incompetent elder brother Ramgupta.

This happened; Ramgupta Gupta; Param Nalayak was the king of the Gupta Empire. Despite being the eldest son of Samudragupta, he did not possess the qualities of a father.

Samudragupta wanted to make Vikramaditya his successor, but he became the king after being the eldest son with the support of the sycophants.

When the Sakas were about to attack his kingdom, he got scared and made a treaty with them in return for giving it to his wife.

Then Chandra Gupta Vikramaditya took the form of a woman (in the form of sister-in-law) and fought with the Shakas and protected his brother's wife and his kingdom.

He got the title of 'Shakari' only after defeating Shaka Raj. His Aditya (light or fame) was spread all around like Vikram, hence he also got the title of 'Vikramaditya'.

When he came back after defeating Shako, the people removed Ramagupta and made him the king.

Since Rama Gupta did not protect his wife and made a shameful pact in return for 'wife donation', the ministers and priests snatched his wife from him and remarried her to Chandra Gupta Vikramaditya.

In this marriage, the matter had definitely arisen whether it would be scriptural to marry the wife of the elder brother? Then Rajpurohit and other scholars took it as a scripture and told that the meaning of Devar is 'Second Strike'. Marriage with brother-in-law may be possible in adverse circumstances.

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