What are the similarities between Ramayana and Mahabharata?
Ramayana and Mahabharata
These two epics of India are very revered for us.
First of all talking about Ramayana, Ram is a Marya Purushottam.
Whatever Rama did, he did according to human power and not according to divine power.
Through Ramayana, Lord Shri Ram gives us a great lesson of an exemplary lifestyle to solve the good or bad things coming in life wisely without losing the mental balance by using force. Lord Shri Ram is a great personality of Maria Purushottam, where to solve the problem as per the situation when required.
"Mangoes don't ripen fast"
We take the name of Shri Ram with reverence, read Ramayana or even watch it on TV. But, how many of us have adopted or followed the ideals of Shri Ram in life?
But let's go….
Mahabharata gives us a wonderful teaching of what is good and what is wrong. So that man can understand where he is going. Mahabharata can be seen in two ways.
On one side there is religion and on the other side there is adharma.
Where there is religion, there is self-Narayan. And where there is adharma, there is maya, diplomacy, stubbornness, transgression of female boundaries, arrogance and finally destruction.
Only Dharma protects those who live in Dharma. It is supported by other forces of religion. All terms support it.
Adharma: A person who practices adharma ultimately gets nothing but suffering. Duryodhana did great injustice to the Pandavas by resorting to unrighteousness. Barring one or two Kauravas, all the remaining Kauravas followed the path of adharma and eventually lost everything.
The Pandavas were patient but they did not give up their religion.
The Mahabharata gives us only one instruction that whatever you do, do it with dharma. Dharma will give you strength and power to fight Adharma
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