Sirius which is a group of two stars in which the larger star is called Sirius A and the second star is called Sirius B. Is called Sirius A because it has more brightness.
Interesting facts about Sirius Star
1) Sirius which is a group of 2 stars.
2) This group is 8.6 light years away from Earth.
3) Sirius A is the brightest star after the Sun.
4) Serious A star is so bright that in some places it can be seen even during the day.
5) Sirius Tara B is a white dwarf.
6) Sirius star B is smaller than Earth.
7) Sirius Star B is smaller than Earth, but its weight is as much as the Sun's weight.
8) Gravity of Sirius Star B is 3,50,000 than Earth's gravity.
9) If the weight of something on earth is 3 grams, On Sirius Tara B the weight of that thing will be 1000 kg.
10) We also know Sirius Tara by "Dog Star". In Hindi it is called "Vyadh".
11) Egyptians knew this star from 4 thousand years ago.
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