. How to make free website blog – Complete Guide - Sab Achha

How to make free website blog – Complete Guide

Hello friends , You must have heard of earning money online at home. You must know that through a website or blog you can earn money sitting at home. Have you ever thought that what you search in Google &  brings from the results, does Google write itself?  It’s  answer is “no”  because of Google is a website , which made by coding (html /java script ). Google bring a result from  different website and blog. So ,first we know about what is a different about website and blog ?

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What is website ?

I explain in example :- you know the world biggest social website Facebook . this website has only one work – to meet our friends and family . facebook allow to share you photo ,video and send message to your  friends and family .   same as Google is the biggest website in the world . this website (Google) has only one work – to show result from different website and blogs . 

What is a blog ?
The Blog is basic version of website ,  because of we can make website to using a blog . suppose you have company named “Apple phone” . when you promoted  your Phone , you have website or blog. You notice that website has only one page, where a blog has  many page like may site .

Example :- you can search in the Google www.shoutmeloud.com . you can see the website page . when you scroll down you can see the line “ visit my blog” that means the main part of this website is Blog .we can say In little word  that every website has blog.

We make a blog of two type- free version and paid version . You can choose any of them . if you’re newbie then , you choose free version . we have two best platform to make a blog .

1) Blogger ( 100% free)
2) Wordpress ( free & Paid )

I think you know about the little information about blog . let’s start how to make a website blog ?

website blog

I suggested you that you make this blog using  computer .

Step 1:- first of all you Go to www.blogger.com  ( If you’re not login in your current browser then first you log in with your email account) .

Step 2:- after successful login , you redirect a new webpage.  You can see “create a new blog” option . click on create a new blog .

Step 3:-  now you see that your redirect a pop up box  likes below screen shot .

How to make free website blog – Complete   Guide

1) Title :-  write your blog title name. Ex:- my blog title name “ Support me English” .

2) Address :-  write your blog address means your blog URL . I suggested  you that your blog URL match with your blog title name. 

Note :- Here “ this blog address is unavailable “ means this blog address is already taken by some one. 

 3)  Template  :- template  means your blog design (look). You have many template, choose one of them because we can change anytime this template .  

4) After successfully set up , click on “ create blog” .

Step 4:- now you redirect a new webpage named choose profile . you have two option choose to set up your blogger profile , but we choose Gmail profile . click on Gmail profile .

Step 5:- you can change your name , your gender , birthday & photo , when you set up this information click on “save “ button . 

Now friends, your blog is successfully set up . you can click on “new post “ & write your post , what you want . when your post is written then publish .   


when you connect  your blog to Google AdSence , then you earn money . our next article will be how to connect you website blog to Google Adsence . 

Last word :- if you have any kind of problem to make a free website blog then comment blow , we will give your solution as soon as & don’t forget  to share this post .   

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